Hierarchical grid functions
These functions permit moving between resolutions in the H3 grid system. The functions produce parent cells (coarser), or child cells (finer).
Provides the unique ancestor (coarser) cell of the given cell
the provided resolution. If the input cell has resolution r
, then
parentRes = r - 1
would give the immediate parent,
parentRes = r - 2
would give the grandparent, and so on.
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H3Error cellToParent(H3Index cell, int parentRes, H3Index *parent);
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
long cellToParent(long cell, int parentRes);
String cellToParentAddress(String cellAddress, int parentRes);
h3.cellToParent(cell, parentRes)
h3.cell_to_parent(h, res=None)
If res = None
, we set res = resolution(h) - 1
See the h3-py docs.
$ h3 cellToParent --help
h3: Returns the H3 index that is the parent (or higher) of the provided cell
H3 4.1.0
cellToParent Returns the H3 index that is the parent (or higher) of the provided cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-14 inclusive, excluding 15 as it can never be a parent
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for "CELL"\n, 'newline' for CELL\n (Default: json)
$ h3 cellToParent -c 85283473fffffff -r 4
Provides the children (descendant) cells of cell
resolution childRes
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H3Error cellToChildren(H3Index cell, int childRes, H3Index *children);
must be an array of at least size cellToChildrenSize(cell, childRes)
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
List<Long> cellToChildren(long cell, int childRes);
List<String> cellToChildren(String cellAddress, int childRes);
h3.cellToChildren(cell, childRes)
h3.cell_to_children(h, res=None)
If res = None
, we set res = resolution(h) + 1
See the h3-py docs.
$ h3 cellToChildren --help
h3: Returns an array of H3 indexes that are the children (or lower) of the provided cell
H3 4.1.0
cellToChildren Returns an array of H3 indexes that are the children (or lower) of the provided cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 1-15 inclusive, excluding 0 as it can never be a child
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for ["CELL", ...], 'newline' for CELL\n... (Default: json)
$ h3 cellToChildren -c 85283473fffffff -r 6
[ "862834707ffffff", "86283470fffffff", "862834717ffffff", "86283471fffffff", "862834727ffffff", "86283472fffffff", "862834737ffffff" ]
Provides the number of children at a given resolution of the given cell.
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H3Error cellToChildrenSize(H3Index cell, int childRes, int64_t *out);
Provides the size of the children
array needed for the given inputs to cellToChildren
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
h3.cell_to_children_size(h, res=None)
If res = None
, we set res = resolution(h) + 1
See the h3-py docs.
$ h3 cellToChildrenSize --help
h3: Returns the maximum number of children for a given cell at the specified child resolution
H3 4.1.0
cellToChildrenSize Returns the maximum number of children for a given cell at the specified child resolution
-h, --help Show this help message.
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 1-15 inclusive, excluding 0 as it can never be a child
$ h3 cellToChildrenSize -c 85283473fffffff -r 6
Provides the center child (finer) cell contained by cell
at resolution childRes
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H3Error cellToCenterChild(H3Index cell, int childRes, H3Index *child);
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
long cellToCenterChild(long cell, int childRes);
String cellToCenterChild(String cellAddress, int childRes);
h3.cellToCenterChild(cell, childRes)
h3.cell_to_center_child(h, res=None)
If res = None
, we set res = resolution(h) + 1
See the h3-py docs.
$ h3 cellToCenterChild --help
h3: Returns the H3 index that is the centrally-placed child (or lower) of the provided cell
H3 4.1.0
cellToCenterChild Returns the H3 index that is the centrally-placed child (or lower) of the provided cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 1-15 inclusive, excluding 0 as it can never be a child
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for "CELL"\n, 'newline' for CELL\n (Default: json)
$ h3 cellToCenterChild -c 85283473fffffff -r 7
Provides the position of the child cell within an ordered list of all children of the cell's parent at the specified resolution parentRes
The order of the ordered list is the same as that returned by cellToChildren
This is the complement of childPosToCell
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H3Error cellToChildPos(H3Index child, int parentRes, int64_t *out);
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
long cellToChildPos(long child, int parentRes);
long cellToChildPos(String childAddress, int parentRes);
h3.cellToChildPos(child, parentRes)
h3.cell_to_child_pos(child, res_parent)
$ h3 cellToChildPos --help
h3: Returns the position of the child cell within an ordered list of all children of the cell's parent at the specified child resolution
H3 4.1.0
cellToChildPos Returns the position of the child cell within an ordered list of all children of the cell's parent at the specified child resolution
-h, --help Show this help message.
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 1-15 inclusive, excluding 0 as it can never be a child
$ h3 cellToChildPos -c 85283473fffffff -r 3
Provides the child cell at a given position within an ordered list of all children of parent
at the specified resolution childRes
The order of the ordered list is the same as that returned by cellToChildren
This is the complement of cellToChildPos
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H3Error childPosToCell(int64_t childPos, H3Index parent, int childRes, H3Index *child);
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
long childPosToCell(long childPos, long parent, int childRes);
String childPosToCell(long childPos, String parentAddress, int childRes);
h3.childPosToCell(childPos, parent, childRes);
h3.child_pos_to_cell(parent, res_child, child_pos)
$ h3 childPosToCell --help
h3: Returns the child cell at a given position and resolution within an ordered list of all children of the parent cell
H3 4.1.0
childPosToCell Returns the child cell at a given position and resolution within an ordered list of all children of the parent cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 1-15 inclusive, excluding 0 as it can never be a child
-p, --position <pos> Required. The child position within the set of children of the parent cell
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for "CELL"\n, 'newline' for CELL\n (Default: json)
$ h3 childPosToCell -p 42 -c 85283473fffffff -r 7
Compacts a collection of H3 cells by recursively replacing children cells with their parents if all children are present. Input cells must all share the same resolution.
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H3Error compactCells(const H3Index *cellSet, H3Index *compactedSet, const int64_t numCells);
Compacts cellSet
into the array compactedSet
must be at least the size of cellSet
(in case the set cannot be compacted).
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
List<Long> compactCells(Collection<Long> cells);
List<String> compactCellAddress(Collection<String> cells);
$ h3 compactCells --help
h3: Compacts the provided set of cells as best as possible. The set of input cells must all share the same resolution.
H3 4.1.0
compactCells Compacts the provided set of cells as best as possible. The set of input cells must all share the same resolution.
-h, --help Show this help message.
-i, --file <FILENAME> The file to load the cells from. Use -- to read from stdin.
-c, --cells <CELLS> The cells to compact. Up to 100 cells if provided as hexadecimals with zero padding.
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for ["CELL", ...], 'newline' for CELL\n... (Default: json)
$ h3 compactCells -c 85283473fffffff,85283447fffffff,8528347bfffffff,85283463fffffff,85283477fffffff,8528340ffffffff,8528340bfffffff,85283457fffffff,85283443fffffff,8528344ffffffff,852836b7fffffff,8528346bfffffff,8528346ffffffff,85283467fffffff,8528342bfffffff,8528343bfffffff,85283407fffffff,85283403fffffff,8528341bfffffff
[ "85283447fffffff", "8528340ffffffff", "8528340bfffffff", "85283457fffffff", "85283443fffffff", "8528344ffffffff", "852836b7fffffff", "8528342bfffffff", "8528343bfffffff", "85283407fffffff", "85283403fffffff", "8528341bfffffff", "8428347ffffffff" ]
Uncompacts the set compactedSet
of indexes to the resolution res
must be at least of size uncompactCellsSize(compactedSet, numHexes, res)
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H3Error uncompactCells(const H3Index *compactedSet, const int64_t numCells, H3Index *cellSet, const int64_t maxCells, const int res);
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
List<Long> uncompactCells(Collection<Long> cells, int res);
List<String> uncompactCellAddress(Collection<String> cells, int res);
h3.uncompactCells(cells, res)
h3.uncompact_cells(cells, res)
$ h3 uncompactCells --help
h3: Unompacts the provided set of compacted cells.The uncompacted cells will be printed one per line to stdout.
H3 4.1.0
uncompactCells Unompacts the provided set of compacted cells.The uncompacted cells will be printed one per line to stdout.
-h, --help Show this help message.
-i, --file <FILENAME> The file to load the cells from. Use -- to read from stdin.
-c, --cells <CELLS> The cells to uncompact. Up to 100 cells if provided as hexadecimals with zero padding.
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-15 inclusive, that the compacted set should be uncompacted to. Must be greater than or equal to the highest resolution within the compacted set.
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for ["CELL", ...], 'newline' for CELL\n... (Default: json)
$ h3 uncompactCells -r 5 -c 85283447fffffff,8528340ffffffff,8528340bfffffff,85283457fffffff,85283443fffffff,8528344ffffffff,852836b7fffffff,8528342bfffffff,8528343bfffffff,85283407fffffff,85283403fffffff,8528341bfffffff,8428347ffffffff
[ "85283447fffffff", "8528340ffffffff", "8528340bfffffff", "85283457fffffff", "85283443fffffff", "8528344ffffffff", "852836b7fffffff", "8528342bfffffff", "8528343bfffffff", "85283407fffffff", "85283403fffffff", "8528341bfffffff", "85283463fffffff", "85283467fffffff", "8528346bfffffff", "8528346ffffffff", "85283473fffffff", "85283477fffffff", "8528347bfffffff" ]
Provides the total resulting number of cells if uncompacting a cell set to a given resolution.
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H3Error uncompactCellsSize(const H3Index *compactedSet, const int64_t numCompacted, const int res, int64_t *out);
Provides the size of the array needed by uncompactCells
into out
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.