Miscellaneous H3 functions
These functions include descriptions of the H3 grid system.
Converts degrees to radians.
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double degsToRads(double degrees);
Use java.lang.Math.toRadians(double degrees)
Use math.radians(degrees)
$ h3 degsToRads --help
h3: Converts degrees to radians
H3 4.1.0
degsToRads Converts degrees to radians
-d, --degree <DEG> Required. Angle in degrees
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 degsToRads -d 180
Converts radians to degrees.
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double radsToDegs(double radians);
Use java.lang.Math.toDegrees(double radians)
Use math.degrees(radians)
$ h3 radsToDegs --help
h3: Converts radians to degrees
H3 4.1.0
radsToDegs Converts radians to degrees
-r, --radian <RAD> Required. Angle in radians
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 radsToDegs -r 1
Average hexagon area in square kilometers at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons.
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H3Error getHexagonAreaAvgKm2(int res, double *out);
double getHexagonAreaAvg(int res, AreaUnit unit);
h3.getHexagonAreaAvg(res, h3.UNITS.km2)
h3.average_hexagon_area(res, unit='km^2')
$ h3 getHexagonAreaAvgKm2 --help
h3: The average area in square kilometers for a hexagon of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
H3 4.1.0
getHexagonAreaAvgKm2 The average area in square kilometers for a hexagon of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-15 inclusive.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 getHexagonAreaAvgKm2 -r 1
Average hexagon area in square meters at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons.
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H3Error getHexagonAreaAvgM2(int res, double *out);
double getHexagonAreaAvg(int res, AreaUnit unit);
h3.getHexagonAreaAvg(res, h3.UNITS.m2)
h3.average_hexagon_area(res, unit='m^2')
$ h3 getHexagonAreaAvgM2 --help
h3: The average area in square meters for a hexagon of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
H3 4.1.0
getHexagonAreaAvgM2 The average area in square meters for a hexagon of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-15 inclusive.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 getHexagonAreaAvgM2 -r 5
Exact area of specific cell in square radians.
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H3Error cellAreaRads2(H3Index h, double *out);
double cellArea(long h3, AreaUnit unit);
int cellArea(String h3Address, AreaUnit unit);
h3.cellArea(h, h3.UNITS.rads2)
h3.cell_area(h, unit='rads^2')
$ h3 cellAreaRads2 --help
h3: The exact area of a specific cell in square radians
H3 4.1.0
cellAreaRads2 The exact area of a specific cell in square radians
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 cellAreaRads2 -c 85283473fffffff
Exact area of specific cell in square kilometers.
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H3Error cellAreaKm2(H3Index h, double *out);
double cellArea(long h3, AreaUnit unit);
int cellArea(String h3Address, AreaUnit unit);
h3.cellArea(h, h3.UNITS.km2)
h3.cell_area(h, unit='km^2')
$ h3 cellAreaKm2 --help
h3: The exact area of a specific cell in square kilometers
H3 4.1.0
cellAreaKm2 The exact area of a specific cell in square kilometers
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 cellAreaKm2 -c 85283473fffffff
Exact area of specific cell in square meters.
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H3Error cellAreaM2(H3Index h, double *out);
double cellArea(long h3, AreaUnit unit);
int cellArea(String h3Address, AreaUnit unit);
h3.cellArea(h, h3.UNITS.m2)
h3.cell_area(h, unit='m^2')
$ h3 cellAreaM2 --help
h3: The exact area of a specific cell in square meters
H3 4.1.0
cellAreaM2 The exact area of a specific cell in square meters
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 cellAreaM2 -c 85283473fffffff
Average hexagon edge length in kilometers at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons.
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H3Error getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgKm(int res, double *out);
double getHexagonEdgeLengthAvg(int res, LengthUnit unit);
h3.getHexagonEdgeLengthAvg(res, h3.UNITS.km)
h3.average_hexagon_edge_length(res, unit='km')
$ h3 getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgKm --help
h3: The average hexagon edge length in kilometers of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
H3 4.1.0
getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgKm The average hexagon edge length in kilometers of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-15 inclusive.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgKm -r 5
Average hexagon edge length in meters at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons.
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H3Error getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgM(int res, double *out);
double getHexagonEdgeLengthAvg(int res, LengthUnit unit);
h3.getHexagonEdgeLengthAvg(res, h3.UNITS.m)
h3.average_hexagon_edge_length(res, unit='m')
$ h3 getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgM --help
h3: The average hexagon edge length in meters of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
H3 4.1.0
getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgM The average hexagon edge length in meters of a given resolution (excludes pentagons)
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-15 inclusive.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgM -r 5
Exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in kilometers.
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H3Error edgeLengthKm(H3Index edge, double *length);
double edgeLength(long h3, LengthUnit unit);
double edgeLength(String h3Address, LengthUnit unit);
h3.edgeLength(h3, h3.UNITS.km)
h3.edge_length(h, unit='km')
$ h3 edgeLengthKm --help
h3: The exact edge length of a specific directed edge in kilometers
H3 4.1.0
edgeLengthKm The exact edge length of a specific directed edge in kilometers
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 edgeLengthKm -c 115283473fffffff
Exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in meters.
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H3Error edgeLengthM(H3Index edge, double *length);
double edgeLength(long h3, LengthUnit unit);
double edgeLength(String h3Address, LengthUnit unit);
h3.edgeLength(h3, h3.UNITS.m)
h3.edge_length(h, unit='m')
$ h3 edgeLengthM --help
h3: The exact edge length of a specific directed edge in meters
H3 4.1.0
edgeLengthM The exact edge length of a specific directed edge in meters
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 edgeLengthM -c 115283473fffffff
Exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in radians.
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H3Error edgeLengthRads(H3Index edge, double *length);
double edgeLength(long h3, LengthUnit unit);
double edgeLength(String h3Address, LengthUnit unit);
h3.edgeLength(h3, h3.UNITS.rads)
h3.edge_length(h, unit='rads')
$ h3 edgeLengthRads --help
h3: The exact edge length of a specific directed edge in radians
H3 4.1.0
edgeLengthRads The exact edge length of a specific directed edge in radians
-c, --cell <index> Required. H3 Cell
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 edgeLengthRads -c 115283473fffffff
Number of unique H3 indexes at the given resolution.
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H3Error getNumCells(int res, int64_t *out);
long getNumCells(int res);
$ h3 getNumCells --help
h3: The number of unique H3 cells for a specified resolution
H3 4.1.0
getNumCells The number of unique H3 cells for a specified resolution
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-15 inclusive.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 getNumCells -r 5
Provide all the resolution 0
H3 cells.
These are the coarsest cells that can be represented in the H3 system and are
the parents/ancestors of all other cells in the H3 grid system.
The returned cells correspond to the 122 base cells.
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H3Error getRes0Cells(H3Index *out);
must be an array of at least size res0CellCount()
Collection<Long> getRes0Cells();
Collection<String> getRes0CellAddresses();
$ h3 getRes0Cells --help
h3: Returns all of the resolution 0 cells
H3 4.1.0
getRes0Cells Returns all of the resolution 0 cells
-h, --help Show this help message.
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for ["CELL", ...], 'newline' for CELL\n... (Default: json)
$ h3 getRes0Cells
[ "8001fffffffffff", "8003fffffffffff", "8005fffffffffff", "8007fffffffffff", "8009fffffffffff", "800bfffffffffff", "800dfffffffffff", "800ffffffffffff", "8011fffffffffff", "8013fffffffffff", "8015fffffffffff", "8017fffffffffff", "8019fffffffffff", "801bfffffffffff", "801dfffffffffff", "801ffffffffffff", "8021fffffffffff", "8023fffffffffff", "8025fffffffffff", "8027fffffffffff", "8029fffffffffff", "802bfffffffffff", "802dfffffffffff", "802ffffffffffff", "8031fffffffffff", "8033fffffffffff", "8035fffffffffff", "8037fffffffffff", "8039fffffffffff", "803bfffffffffff", "803dfffffffffff", "803ffffffffffff", "8041fffffffffff", "8043fffffffffff", "8045fffffffffff", "8047fffffffffff", "8049fffffffffff", "804bfffffffffff", "804dfffffffffff", "804ffffffffffff", "8051fffffffffff", "8053fffffffffff", "8055fffffffffff", "8057fffffffffff", "8059fffffffffff", "805bfffffffffff", "805dfffffffffff", "805ffffffffffff", "8061fffffffffff", "8063fffffffffff", "8065fffffffffff", "8067fffffffffff", "8069fffffffffff", "806bfffffffffff", "806dfffffffffff", "806ffffffffffff", "8071fffffffffff", "8073fffffffffff", "8075fffffffffff", "8077fffffffffff", "8079fffffffffff", "807bfffffffffff", "807dfffffffffff", "807ffffffffffff", "8081fffffffffff", "8083fffffffffff", "8085fffffffffff", "8087fffffffffff", "8089fffffffffff", "808bfffffffffff", "808dfffffffffff", "808ffffffffffff", "8091fffffffffff", "8093fffffffffff", "8095fffffffffff", "8097fffffffffff", "8099fffffffffff", "809bfffffffffff", "809dfffffffffff", "809ffffffffffff", "80a1fffffffffff", "80a3fffffffffff", "80a5fffffffffff", "80a7fffffffffff", "80a9fffffffffff", "80abfffffffffff", "80adfffffffffff", "80affffffffffff", "80b1fffffffffff", "80b3fffffffffff", "80b5fffffffffff", "80b7fffffffffff", "80b9fffffffffff", "80bbfffffffffff", "80bdfffffffffff", "80bffffffffffff", "80c1fffffffffff", "80c3fffffffffff", "80c5fffffffffff", "80c7fffffffffff", "80c9fffffffffff", "80cbfffffffffff", "80cdfffffffffff", "80cffffffffffff", "80d1fffffffffff", "80d3fffffffffff", "80d5fffffffffff", "80d7fffffffffff", "80d9fffffffffff", "80dbfffffffffff", "80ddfffffffffff", "80dffffffffffff", "80e1fffffffffff", "80e3fffffffffff", "80e5fffffffffff", "80e7fffffffffff", "80e9fffffffffff", "80ebfffffffffff", "80edfffffffffff", "80effffffffffff", "80f1fffffffffff", "80f3fffffffffff" ]
Number of resolution 0
H3 indexes, which is defined as 122.
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int res0CellCount(void);
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
All the pentagon H3 cells at the specified resolution. There are 12 pentagons at each resolution.
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H3Error getPentagons(int res, H3Index *out);
must be an array of at least size pentagonIndexCount()
Returns 0 (E_SUCCESS
) on success.
Collection<Long> h3.getPentagons(int res);
Collection<String> h3.getPentagonsAddresses(int res);
$ h3 getPentagons --help
h3: Returns all of the pentagons at the specified resolution
H3 4.1.0
getPentagons Returns all of the pentagons at the specified resolution
-r, --resolution <res> Required. Resolution, 0-15 inclusive.
-h, --help Show this help message.
-f, --format <FMT> 'json' for ["CELL", ...], 'newline' for CELL\n... (Default: json)
$ h3 getPentagons -r 5
[ "85080003fffffff", "851c0003fffffff", "85300003fffffff", "854c0003fffffff", "85620003fffffff", "85740003fffffff", "857e0003fffffff", "85900003fffffff", "85a60003fffffff", "85c20003fffffff", "85d60003fffffff", "85ea0003fffffff" ]
Number of pentagon H3 cells per resolution. This is always 12, but provided as a convenience.
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int pentagonCount(void);
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
This function exists for memory management and is not exposed.
$ h3 pentagonCount --help
h3: Returns 12
H3 4.1.0
pentagonCount Returns 12
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 pentagonCount
Gives the "great circle" or "haversine" distance between pairs of LatLng points (lat/lng pairs) in kilometers.
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double greatCircleDistanceKm(const LatLng *a, const LatLng *b);
double greatCircleDistance(LatLng point1, LatLng point2, LengthUnit unit);
h3.greatCircleDistance(point1, point2, h3.UNITS.km)
h3.great_circle_distance(point1, point2, unit='km')
$ h3 greatCircleDistanceKm --help
h3: Calculates the 'great circle' or 'haversine' distance between two lat, lng points, in kilometers
H3 4.1.0
greatCircleDistanceKm Calculates the 'great circle' or 'haversine' distance between two lat, lng points, in kilometers
-i, --file <FILENAME> The file to load the coordinates from. Use -- to read from stdin.
-c, --coordinates <ARRAY> The array of coordinates to convert. Up to 1500 characters.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 greatCircleDistanceKm -c "[[-10, 0], [10, 0]]"
Gives the "great circle" or "haversine" distance between pairs of LatLng points (lat/lng pairs) in meters.
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double greatCircleDistanceM(const LatLng *a, const LatLng *b);
double greatCircleDistance(LatLng point1, LatLng point2, LengthUnit unit);
h3.greatCircleDistance(point1, point2, h3.UNITS.m);
h3.great_circle_distance(point1, point2, unit='m')
$ h3 greatCircleDistanceM --help
h3: Calculates the 'great circle' or 'haversine' distance between two lat, lng points, in meters
H3 4.1.0
greatCircleDistanceM Calculates the 'great circle' or 'haversine' distance between two lat, lng points, in meters
-i, --file <FILENAME> The file to load the coordinates from. Use -- to read from stdin.
-c, --coordinates <ARRAY> The array of coordinates to convert. Up to 1500 characters.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 greatCircleDistanceM -c "[[-10, 0], [10, 0]]"
Gives the "great circle" or "haversine" distance between pairs of LatLng points (lat/lng pairs) in radians.
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double greatCircleDistanceRads(const LatLng *a, const LatLng *b);
double greatCircleDistance(LatLng point1, LatLng point2, LengthUnit unit);
h3.greatCircleDistance(point1, point2, h3.UNITS.rads)
h3.great_circle_distance(point1, point2, unit='rads')
$ h3 greatCircleDistanceRads --help
h3: Calculates the 'great circle' or 'haversine' distance between two lat, lng points, in radians
H3 4.1.0
greatCircleDistanceRads Calculates the 'great circle' or 'haversine' distance between two lat, lng points, in radians
-i, --file <FILENAME> The file to load the coordinates from. Use -- to read from stdin.
-c, --coordinates <ARRAY> The array of coordinates to convert. Up to 1500 characters.
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 greatCircleDistanceRads -c "[[-10, 0], [10, 0]]"
Provides a human-readable description of an H3Error error code.
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char *describeH3Error(H3Error err);
This function cannot fail, as it just returns a string stating that the
H3Error value is itself invalid and does not allocate memory to do so.
Do not call free
on the result of this function.
Just read the .message
property from the caught error, instead.
"Cell argument was not valid (code: 5)"
$ h3 describeH3Error --help
h3: Returns a description of the provided H3 error code number, or indicates the number is itself invalid.
H3 4.1.0
describeH3ErrorReturns a description of the provided H3 error code number, or indicates the number is itself invalid.
-e, --error <CODE> Required. H3 Error code to describe
-h, --help Show this help message.
$ h3 describeH3Error -e 5
Cell argument was not valid